PUT ON A HAPPY FACE… by Dana Wilson
“One Halloween after taking my daughter trick or treating, the doorbell rang. It was very late and I couldn’t imagine children still being out at that time of night “trick or treating.” I said, ‘who is it?’ The voice on the other side of the door said, ‘it’s my birthday.” I opended the door and there HE stood. My boyfriend with an open ‘trick or treat’ bag and this angry scowl on his face.” I just stood there trying to look happy to see him. I was, but I was also upset. You see, I had forgotten his birthday! After what seemed like an eternity ….I put on a Happy Face. He still wasn’t smiling back so I said to him “you look so cute when your angry.” I filled his bag with candy, said Happy Birthday, and finally got a smile out of him! Although he was upset for a while, my sense of humor and sincere regret sure helped to get me out of the doghouse!” (submitted by Dana Wilson – Milwaukee, WI)
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Check out the Doghouse Survey Press Release and 2009 Contest http://www.edenflorist.com/article_info.php?articles_id=37