Archive | February 2008

FloraScopes – Pisces

“A flowerless room is a soul-less room, to my way of thinking; but even one solitary little vase of a living flower may redeem it.”
Vita Sackville-West


Pisces February 20 – March 20

The idealist, Pisces, is also sensitive, kind and compassionate, unselfish, intuitive and understanding.  Your ruler is Neptune, the God of the Sea.  Pisces takes great pleasure in dreaming and getting lost in thought. Pisces loves solitude, mystery and has a penchant for the outrageous.

Dainty flowers such as lilacs, white orchids and freesia appeal to the dreamy Piscean.

Need to order flowers for the Pisces in your life?  Visit EDEN FLORIST

A Fairytale: Flower of Honesty

Excepted from Paulo Coelho’s book “Like The Flowing River


In ancient China, around the year 250BCE, a certain prince of the region of Thing-Zda was about to be crowned emperor; however, according to the law, he first had to get married.Since this meant choosing the future empress, the prince needed to find a young woman whom he could trust absolutely. On the advice of a wise man, he decided to summon all the young women of the region in order to find the most worthy candidate.

An old lady, who had served in the palace for many years, heard about the preparations for this gathering and felt sad, because her daughter nurtured a secret love for the prince.

When the old lady got home, she told her daughter and was horrified to learn that her daughter intended going to the meeting. The old lady was desperate.

‘But daughter, what on earth will you do there? All the richest and most beautiful girls from the court will be present. It’s a ridiculous idea. I know you must be suffering, but don’t turn that suffering into madness.’

And the daughter replied: ‘My dear mother, I am not suffering and I certainly haven’t gone mad. I know that I won’t be chosen, but it’s my one chance to spend at least a few moments close to the prince, and that makes me happy, even though I know that a quite different fate awaits me.’

That night, when the young women reached the palace, all the most beautiful girls were indeed there, wearing the most beautiful clothes and the most beautiful jewellery, and prepared to do anything to seize the opportunity on offer.

Surrounded by the members of his court, the prince announced a challenge.

‘I will give each of you a seed. In six month’s time, the young woman who brings me the loveliest flower will be the future empress of China.’

The girl took her seed and planted it in a pot, and since she was not very skilled in the art of gardening, she prepared the soil with great patience and tenderness, for she believed that if the flowers grew as large as her love, then she need not worry about the results.

Three months passed and no shoots had appeared. The young woman tried everything; she consulted farm labourers and peasants, who showed her the most varied methods of cultivation, but all to no avail. Each day she felt that her dream was farther away, although her love was as alive as ever.

At last, the six months passed and still nothing had grown in her pot. Even though she had nothing to show, she knew how much effort and dedication she put in during that time, so she told her mother that she would go back to the palace on the agreed date and at the agreed time. Inside she knew this would be her last meeting with her true love, and she would not have missed it for the world.

The day of the audience arrived. The girl appeared with her plantless pot, and saw that all the other candidates had achieved wonderful results: each girl bore a flower lovelier than the last, in the most varied forms and colours.

Finally, the longed-for moment came. The prince entered and he studied each of the candidates with great care and attention. Having inspected them all, he announced that he has chosen the servant’s daughter to become his new wife.

All the other girls began to protest, saying that he had chosen the only one of them who had not managed to grow any plant at all.

Then the prince calmly explained the reasoning behind the challenge: ‘This young woman was the only one who cultivated the flower that made her worthy of becoming the empress: the flower of honesty. You see, all the seeds I handed out were sterile, and nothing could ever have grown from them.’ 

(Thanks to Maria Sipka for sharing this with the Women’s Global Business Network on Xing)

Flowers and Customer Service

Although Valentine’s Day is behind us, I am still reminded of this fast-paced fun holiday on a daily basis.  Reminders come via phone messages and emails thanking us for a great job or suggesting ways to improve upon what we have done.

One of the most pleasant surprises came in the form of an article written by a new customer about Eden Florist and his experience with our shop.  I was blown away by what he wrote and the fact that he shared it with his colleagues and friends in such a profound way that I just had to share the news with you.

Here’s the link to the article in Travel Trade Magazine: written by Jim Smith, CTIE – President of Market Share, Inc and Brand Congruency

You can be sure that this will end up in the Media Section of Eden Florist for all to see!

 Here’s a link to a blog post I wrote on my personal blog entitled “Are You in Control of Customer Service ” which you may also find interesting.

 Thanks for stopping by!

Heidi Richards Mooney

The Meaning and History of Sunflowers


SUNFLOWER – Botanical name Helianthus Their scientific name Helianthus comes from two words, Helios meaning sun, and Anthos, meaning flower. The sunflower often follows the sun which is how got its name.The Common Sunflower has a long history of association with people.  

Nearly 3,000 years ago it was domesticated for food production by the Native Americans.  The seeds of the wild type of sunflower are only about 5 mm. long.   It was only through careful selection for the largest size seeds over hundreds of years that the cultivated sunflower was produced. Lewis and Clark made mention in their journals of its usage by the plains Indians.  It was brought back to the Old World by the early European explorers and widely cultivated there also.   

Long before corn and beans were brought to America, the Early American natives used the sunflower: they ate the seeds, ground the small kernels into flour, extracted oil from seeds for their hair, and used the seeds, flower petals, and pollen to make dyes for face paint, cloths and baskets.

The Aztecs (Peru) worshiped sunflowers, they placed sunflower images made of gold in their temples and crowned princesses in the bright yellow flowers.

Making their way to Europe in the early 1500’s sunflowers were used for gifts carried by Spanish settlers returning home. The sunflower is the National flower of RUSSIA. The great Russian ruler Peter the Great liked sunflowers so much when he saw them in Holland he took seeds back to Russia. By the 1700’s sunflower seeds were being eaten all over Russia.

In many parts of Europe sunflowers provide leaves for smoking, flower buds for salads, flowers for dyes, and oil for cooking.

The tallest sunflower grown on record was 25 feet tall and was grown in the Netherlands.

The largest sunflower head on record measured 32 1/2 inches across its widest point and was grown in Canada.

(source: and

Brighten someone’s day with Sunflowers from Eden Florist!

What’s Your Floral Signature?


What’s your floral signature? Your mom’s? Your best friend’s? This quiz can help you learn about your own floral personality or customize the perfect arrangement for someone you love.

Just answer the seven questions on the quiz with yourself or a loved one in mind. Choose one answer per question, then click Submit for results. 

Click here to take the quiz

Flower Trivia … Answer to Yesterday’s Question

Yesterday’s Question: What spring flower was ‘born to be purple’?


“The blue flag,” a kind of iris. Henry Wordsworth Longfellow wrote a poem in which he referred to them as “born in the purple.”

In those days, the color purple was associated with royalty. The common people weren’t allowed to wear purple clothing.

Thanks to everyone for commenting!
